Quick Start Guide

Welcome to WeWinMeta! Let's get you started right away!

  1. Direct Download: From https://www.wewinmeta.com Install latest version of WeWinMeta App according to your Device (iOS or Android)


Download by Referral Link: If you receive a Referral Link,

simply click the referral link (ex. https://wewinmeta.net/COWQny0Kpvb

(**For iOS: Prior to downloading WeWinMeta app, you must first download TestFlight app ( https://apps.apple.com/us/app/testflight/id899247664 ) for latest beta app version.

2. After download completes and launches the WeWinMeta app,Select “Join Now” to create a new wallet. If you already have a wallet address, click the “i” icon to import by 12-word phrase or private key and skip step #3.

3. You can choose to backup your 12-word secret phrase now or later. **Please remember that, whether you decide to back up now or later, you are the sole owner and bear the responsibility of securing your wallet.

4. You will now be brought to the Virtual Land Check-In Page. Click on the “Check in” button for each virtual land at the bottom of the page to earn your daily rewards. The number in parentheses indicates the current total of WeWinMeta Wallet addresses.

Last updated